June 10 - 14, 2024, online
June 17 - 28, 2024, Fort Worth, Texas
Summer Program: June 2024
Join us for The Conducting Institute’s Summer Program, where students of all levels will explore the art and craft of orchestral conducting in a rigorous and encouraging setting, focused on teaching the fundamentals and establishing a solid foundation in this art form, both in classroom sessions and in front of orchestral ensembles.
The Summer Program aims to provide a comprehensive educational experience for both beginning and in-training conductors. Consisting of extensive classes and hands-on Lab Orchestra sessions, the three-week program will cover thoroughly such topics as:
Fundamental Skills of Conducting
Score reading in multiple clefs
Ear Training (Dictations, sight singing, …)
Aural Skills (Singing Bach chorales in multiple clefs, … )
Keyboard Skills (Figured bass, playing Bach chorales in multiple clefs, …)
Languages and Terminology
Study of recitatives in multiple languages
Knowledge of orchestral terminologies in multiple languages
Score Study
Analysis of Repertoire
Preparing for Rehearsals
Working with Soloists
Mechanics of Conducting
Application of all the knowledge above from the podium
Video analysis of institute sessions and participants’ own previous conducting.
The Summer Program will be June 10 - 28, 2023.
The first week, June 10 - 14, will be virtual, comprising conducting seminars on the chosen repertoire, aural skills and ear training classes, and other classes on fundamental skills of conducting. Synchronous participation from 10am to 4pm Central Time is mandatory for all participants.
The second and third weeks, June 17 - 28, will consist of hands-on work with the Institute’s Laboratory Orchestra, conducting seminars to discuss Lab Orchestra sessions, and ear training classes. In-person days will begin at 8:30am and end by 5:30pm.
A normal day will consist of 3 hours of orchestra session in the morning, followed by an ear training class, conducting seminar, and classes on various topics in the afternoon.
Orchestra Hall
4401 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Miguel Harth-Bedoya and Associate Faculty
View our full faculty roster here.
Our program is unique in offering a variety of classes to provide a comprehensive conducting training. Classes for the summer program will include:
- Conducting Mechanics
- Score Study
- Ear Training
- Score Reading at the Piano
- Instrumental Techniques (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, and Timpani) with associate faculty
- Writing Skills
Studio Ensemble
In addition to the podium time with Institute Lab Orchestra, students will receive additional podium time with Studio Ensemble, which consists of Full Participants and Introductory Participants. Every conductor will be asked to bring their instruments, and we will play for each other during conducting seminars to address specific issues as necessary.
Each participant will have total of 165 minutes of podium time with the Lab Orchestra across 11 sessions, as well as participation in all the seminars, ear training classes, instrument techniques classes, and other activities.
In addition to the 165 minute with Lab Orchestra, more podium time will happen during conducting seminars with ad hoc ensemble made up on participating conductors, in order to address specific issues and topics.
Recitavies (1 session), to be selected from
- Mozart, Le Nozze di Figaro: “Hai gia vinta la causa,” “E Susanna non vien,” “Giunse alfin il momento” - in Italian
- Mozart, Die Zauberflöte, “Die Weisheitslehre dieser Knaben” - in German
- Mendelssohn, Elijah: “Ye people rend your hearts,” “Now Cherith’s brook is dried up” - in English
- Haydn, Die Schöpfung: “Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser,” “Gleich of-net sich der Erde Schloss,” - in German
- Verdi, Rigoletto, “Pari siamo” - in Italian
- Bizet, Carmen, “C’est bien la” or “La belle un mot” - in French
Chamber Ensemble (2 Sessions)
- Jimmy Lopez, Fiesta!
* This work is a required work for all participants. Accepted participants will receive a discount code for a PDF of the score.Beethoven Symphonies (2 Sessions)
- Symphony No. 5, Mov’t I, Exposition (Mandatory for all)
- Symphony No. 1, Mov’t I
- Symphony No. 3, Mov’t I and II
- Symphony No. 7, Mov’t I and II
Piano Concertos (2 Sessions)
- In conjunction with PianoTexas. Exact repertoire to be determined closer to the date.Romantic Orchestra (4 sessions)
- Brahms, Symphony No. 3, Mov’t II
- Brahms, Symphony No. 4, Mov’t IV
- Dvorak, Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Mov’t I and II
- Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 4, Mov’t I
- Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 6, Mov’t II
- Schumann, Symphony No. 3, Mov’t I
- Schumann, Symphony No. 4, Mov’t IV -
Designed for those who are looking to start their journey in orchestral conducting or bolster their fundamentals of conducting, this participation option will allow you to attend all the classroom sessions, have four sessions with a string quintet and a chamber ensemble, and play and conduct in ad hoc ensembles with Full Participants.
The repertoire for Introductory Participants are the following only:
Click below for the score/score sample.
- Haydn, the Creation, “And God said: Let the waters bring forth in plenty” - in English
- Mozart, Divertimento in D, K. 136
- Revueltas, Ocho por Radio (Edition: Peer Music)Conducting sessions will be taught by both Miguel Harth-Bedoya and Andrew Kim.
Auditors will have access to all the classroom sessions as well as lab orchestra sessions. There is no podium time for auditors.
Participation Categories and Repertoire
Tuition and Application Deadline
Full Participation - $3,998
Introductory Participation - $749
Online Class Participation (Week 1 only) - $300
Auditing (In-person only) - $200
The class for the Summer Program has closed. If you apply now, you will be put on the waiting list, should your application be accepted.
For the Week 1 Online Class Participation, registration can be found here.
For Auditing, registration form can be found here.
Schedule for Participants
Please note the time zone at the bottom of the calendar