Summer Program

June 2022

Join us for The Conducting Institute’s Summer Program, where students of all levels will explore the art and craft of orchestral conducting, in a rigorous and encouraging setting focused on teaching the fundamentals and establishing a solid foundation in this art form, both in classroom sessions and in front of orchestral ensembles.

  • When

    The 2022 Summer Program will run from June 1–24, 2022 (June 1–3, online; June 6–24, in-person).

    Sessions will occur Monday through Friday and will be taught in English.

    June 11, 12, 18, and 19 will be off days for rest and study.

    The daily schedule can be found here.

  • Where

    Orchestra Hall
    4401 Trail Lake Drive
    Fort Worth, TX 76109

  • Instructors

    Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Associate Faculty, and Guest Lecturers

  • Structure

    For the 2022 Summer Program, there are three categories of participation: Category A, Category B, and Category C. See the Categories section below for more details.

    Classroom sessions will cover the following: music theory, ear training, instrumentation, score analysis, music of the Americas, string techniques, timpani and percussion techniques, writing techniques, diction and foreign languages, The Orchestra through Time, Music from Latin America, Maneuvering the Keyboard for conductors, and panels with faculty musicians.



All students, regardless of category, will participate in all classroom sessions.

  • Who is this category for?

    Beginners, those who have never conducted an orchestra, are transitioning into orchestral conducting, have very little experience conducting, or are at the early stages of conducting studies.

    Coursework & Podium Time

    All participants in this category will participate in classroom courses, seminars, and Q&A sessions, and will conduct the Lab Orchestra. All podium time will occur across eight (8) Lab Orchestra sessions.

    FULL-TIME participants will receive no less than two (2) hours of podium time combined.
    HALF-TIME participants will receive no less than one (1) hour of podium time.


    Full-time: $3,400 (2 hours of podium time)
    Half-time: $2,300 (1 hour of podium time)


    Below is an outline of the structure of the Lab orchestral ensemble sessions and repertoire for TCI 2022 Summer Program for Category A.

    The eight (8) Lab orchestra sessions, broken down as follows:

    3 string orchestra sessions
    1 ensemble session
    1 chamber orchestra session
    3 full orchestra sessions


    String orchestra repertoire (select from the following and include at least one recitative):

    Mozart: Divertimento in D major KV 136
    Mendelssohn: String Symphony N.2 in D major 
    Zamora: Tres visiones de un Sikuris atacameño* (mandatory piece, FILARMONIKA Music Publishing)


    Bizet: Carmen (“C’est bien là, n’est ce pas, dans ce grand bâtiment”, and “La belle un mot”), in French

    Haydn: Die Schöpfung, (“Und Gott Sprach: Es bringe das Wasser”; “Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoß”), in German

    Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro (“E Susanna non vien”, “Hai gia vinta la causa”, and “Giunse alfin il momento”), in Italian.

    Every participant must learn to sing at least one additional recitative different from the one you will be conducting.

    Ensemble repertoire:

    Revueltas: Ocho por Radio* (mandatory, Peer Music)

    Chamber orchestra repertoire:

    Haydn Symphony N.83 “La Poule” (Landon edition)

    Full orchestra repertoire (select from the following):

    Beethoven: Symphony N.1 in C major Op. 21
    Beethoven: Symphony N.4 in Bb major Op. 60 (movement 2)
    Beethoven: Symphony N.7 in A major Op. 92 (movements 1 & 2)
    Mendelssohn: Symphony N.4 in A major Op. 90
    Rossini: L’Italiana in Algieri, Overture


    Unless indicated above, you can work with any edition since we will be providing markings that you must incorporate in your scores to match the orchestral parts, particularly rehearsal letters, rehearsal numbers and/or measure numbers. You will receive a Google Drive link to access the referenced parts. Be sure to check it periodically as we continue to upload parts.

    Additional repertoire & literature for the score study classes:

    Beethoven: Symphony N.5
    Berlioz: Roman Carnival Overture
    Brahms: Symphony N.2 and N.4
    Debussy: Prelude to the afternoon of a faun
    Dvorak: Symphony N.8 in G major Op. 88
    Ravel: Ma Mere l’Oye, five pieces
    Strauss: Death and Transfiguration, Don Juan, Till Eulenspiegel
    Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring
    Wagner: Tristan und Isolde, Prelude
    Bach Chorales in four clefs, published by Schirmer
    Lars Edlund: Modus Nnovus
    Morris and Ferguson, Preparatory exercises in score reading
    Robert Starer, Rhythmic training

  • Who is this category for?

    Selected previous participants of TCI programs and those who are currently studying orchestral conducting.

    Coursework & Podium Time

    All participants in this category will participate in classroom courses, seminars, and Q&A sessions, and will conduct the Lab Orchestra. All podium time will occur across ten (10) Lab Orchestra sessions.

    FULL-TIME participants will receive no less than two and a half (2.5) hours of podium time combined.
    HALF-TIME participants will receive no less than one hour and 15 minutes (1.25 hours) of podium time combined.


    Full-time: $3,900 (2.5 hours of podium time)
    Half-time: $2,700 (1.25 hours of podium time)

    *Financial aid is available. Please see the Apply section for more details.


    Below is an outline of the structure of the Lab orchestral ensemble sessions and repertoire for TCI 2022 Summer Program for Category B.

    The ten (10) Lab orchestra sessions, broken down as follows:

    1 String orchestra session
    1 Ensemble session
    2 Sessions for Beethoven symphonies
    2 Sessions for Piano Concertos
    4 full orchestra sessions


    String orchestra repertoire (select from):

    Bartok: Romanian Folk Dances, for strings (please check with MHB regarding edition)
    Tchaikovsky: Waltz and Elegie from Serenade for Strings in C Major Op. 48

    Recitatives (select at least two recitatives in different languages):

    Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (“Die Weisheitslehre dieser Knaben”), in German
    Verdi: Rigoletto (“Pari Siamo”) and La Traviata (“E strano”) in Italian
    Bizet: Carmen (“C’est bien là”), in French

    Every participant must learn to sing at least one additional recitative different from the ones conducting.

    Ensemble repertoire:

    Copland: Appalachian Spring for 13 instruments

    Concerto orchestra repertoire:

    Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto N.1 in Bb minor, Op. 23
    Grieg: Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16
    Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto N.2 in C minor, Op. 18

    Beethoven orchestra (select from):

    Beethoven: Symphony N.3 in Eb major Op. 55
    Beethoven: Symphony N.5

    Full orchestra repertoire (select from the following):

    Brahms: Symphony N.2 in D Major, Op. 73
    Errazuriz: La Caravana* (mandatory)
    Tchaikovksy: Symphony N.4 in F minor Op.36
    Dvorak: Symphony N.8 in G Major Op.88


    Unless indicated above, you can work with any edition since we will be providing markings that you must incorporate in your scores to match the orchestral parts, particularly rehearsal letters, rehearsal numbers and/or measure numbers. You will receive a Google Drive link to access the referenced parts. Be sure to check it periodically as we continue to upload parts.

  • Who is this category for?

    In-person classroom participants: Category C participation includes full participation in classroom sessions, homework assignments, and auditing of all lab orchestra sessions. This category does not include podium time.



    Tuition for Category C is charged on a weekly basis. Sign up for all three weeks and save $250! Click on the attendance option of your choice below. You will be redirected to our secure Caminos del Inka / Stripe ordering page.

    WEEK 3, June 20-24, 2022: $500

  • Online classroom participants. Category D participation includes full interactive remote participation in classroom sessions and homework assignments. Lab Orchestra sessions will be available as recordings afterwards.



    Tuition for Category D is charged on a weekly basis. These courses are made available on our platform.

    One week, June 20-24: $310


  • Category E observers are permitted to observe all classes and orchestra sessions. Observers will receive a full schedule and updates.


    Tuition must be paid in advance. Select the week you wish to attend below.

    Week 3, June 20-24: $192