Fall 2024: For Young Musicians

Fundamentals of Orchestral Conducting for Young Musicians
November 16, 2024

For High School Students and 1st-year College Students

An intensive one-day program where young musicians will get an overview of the skills required to become an orchestra conductor. During this day, students will have classes/sessions in written and aural skills, including score reading and transpositions, as well as an introduction to the conducting mechanics, where participants will be able to conduct the Lab Ensemble. The Lab Ensemble will be made-up of TCI Fellow Musicians and participating conducting students.


Miguel Harth-Bedoya and Raphael Jiménez


O. D. Wyatt High School
2400 E. Seminary Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76119


8:30am – 9:00am: check in, coffee, tea and pastries
9:00am – 9:45am: Introduction to orchestral conducting
9:55am – 10:40am: Reading and aural skills
10:55am – 12:00pm: Score study and Conducting mechanics
12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Conducting Seminar
2:00pm  –  4:00pm Lab Ensemble
4:00pm – 5:30pm: Break and individual study time
5:30pm – 8:30pm: Lab Ensemble
8:30pm – 9:00pm: Closing Session

(Subject to Small Changes.)


Participants can learn as much as they are able but are encouraged to learn at least selections from each repertoire. 
Bach: selected chorales (to be determined)
Bartok: selections from Romanian Folk Dances (arr. MHB) (Not Mov’t II and III)
Revueltas: Ocho por Radio (Edition: Peer Music)
Haydn: Recitative, “And God Said: Let the Waters Bring Forth” from the Creation


Tuition: $250
Includes lunch and dinner

Financial Aid Available in the Application Form

Application Requirements

  • a one-minute video introducing yourself, your passion for music, and your interest in orchestral conducting

  • one-page resume

  • submit a short video demonstrating your musicianship playing an instrument or singing; around 2 minutes

  • submit a video singing this rhythmic sample, conducting with one hand while speaking the rhythms (see instructions below)

  • submit a video singing this melodic sample, conducting with one hand while singing using fixed do or naming the notes in English (see instructions below)

  • Optional: videos of you conducting leading an ensemble of any kind

Please watch this video for instructions on how to execute the rhythmic and melodic exercises.
All videos, including the conducting video if available, should be uploaded to YouTube as separate videos. Please set the privacy setting to “Unlisted.”


Students in the eligible age range are welcome to audit the program. The cost to audit the program is $50.